Many modern homes have a concrete slab foundation, meaning the house is set on a concrete slab. For older homes, they are more likely to have pier and beam foundations, where beams make up the flooring system by resting on piers.
Each foundation type has its own unique challenges and maintenance requirements, but they are both equally susceptible to foundation heave and settlement. Regardless of your foundation type, if the soil underneath your home shifts, it can cause parts of your home to rise or sink.
That’s why it’s important to choose a home leveling contractor in Mineola, TX, who understands the needs of each foundation type and how to work best with your home.
Lone Star Foundation Repair is one of the only certified foundation repair specialists in the East Texas region, and our team has the house leveling services you need to get your home back to normal.
If you’re noticing signs of foundation problems, such as sloping floors, our foundation analysts will come out and measure the slope of your floor to determine if your home is in danger. Based on our findings, we’ll create a personalized foundation repair plan for your home.
Searching for a foundation repair contractor can be daunting since you’re putting a lot of trust in whoever you choose. It’s important to choose a contractor with the experience and credentials so they can properly care for your home.
At Lone Star Foundation Repair, our team brings years of expertise and is a certified pier and beam home leveling company. We’re also committed to delivering exceptional customer service throughout the process.
We begin every project with a comprehensive foundation inspection to identify any potential issues and carefully assess the slope of your home.
Foundation issues are often caused by either foundation heave or settlement, which is particularly common in East Texas due to the clay soil that expands or contracts with changes in moisture.
As the soil shifts, your foundation piers may move up or down, leading to an uneven home or potential foundation damage.
If you’ve observed your foundation becoming unlevel, reach out to the experts at Lone Star Foundation Repair to arrange a thorough foundation inspection.
One of the most noticeable signs of an unlevel home is sloping floors. While the unevenness can be obvious, you may need specialized slope measuring tools, like the ones our team uses, to accurately assess the situation.
As your home shifts, the stress can cause cracks to appear in the drywall. Since drywall is not very strong, these cracks are often a sign that your home may need pier and beam leveling to alleviate the strain on the walls.
Uneven foundations can exert pressure on bricks and mortar, leading to distinctive "stair-step" cracks in your brickwork. If you spot this pattern in your home's brick veneer, it's important to consult with a foundation repair expert to pinpoint the underlying issue.
An unlevel home can cause doors and windows to misalign, making them difficult to open or close. If you’re noticing that your windows and doors are sticking or no longer operate smoothly, contact Lone Star Foundation Repair for assistance.
Your foundation supports your entire home, so don’t trust its repair to just anyone. Choose the certified foundation professionals at Lone Star Foundation Repair to level out your home. Schedule your free foundation inspection with us today.
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