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Foundation Repair, House Leveling, Henderson TX

Many residents of Henderson, Texas don’t realize their critical need for foundation repair, pier and beam repair, slab repair, and house leveling until their homes are already collapsing around them! At Lone Star Foundation Repair, our job is to make sure that your structure never suffers the severe damage caused by a settling or sinking foundation.

Foundation Repair Services in Henderson

Experienced Foundation Experts

Thanks to our long history of experience in the foundation repair industry near Henderson, Texas, we can always ensure cost-effective and speedy work with quality workmanship. East Texas foundation repair is often a very necessary aspect of owning property – that’s why you need to know you can rely on the foundation repair experts near Henderson with an excellent reputation for getting the job done right.

Whether your property needs slab repair or your pier and beam structure is damaged due to East Texas soil composition, we are your go-to full-service foundation repair and house leveling experts near you in Henderson, Texas. If you have noticed cracks, dips, domes, or moisture buildup in the floors and walls of your property, it’s likely the result of damage to your foundation. By contacting Lone Star Foundation repair, we can stop the damage in its tracks and ensure a sturdy and stable foundation for years to come.

Don’t let your property suffer from disaster as a result of a need for foundation repair, foundation leveling or house leveling! Contact Lone Star Foundation repair today.

Lone Star Foundation Repair


M-F: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Sat: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Offering foundation repair in Henderson, Henderson house leveling, slab repair in Henderson, Henderson foundation leveling, and pier and beam services in Henderson, Texas. If you're having foundation problems in the Henderson area, contact Lone Star Foundation Repair.

How Much Does Foundation Repair Cost in the Henderson Area?

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We Look Forward to Assisting You!

Daniel Roden is the founder and owner of Lone Star Foundation Repair in Tyler. In Daniel’s hometown of San Antonio, he developed his skills for nearly a decade as a project manager for one of the largest foundation repair companies in Texas. After moving his family to Tyler in 2016, Daniel sensed a need in the East Texas community to open a foundation repair company founded on the principles of honesty, professionalism, and excellent customer service.

Serving Henderson, TX And Surrounding Areas

We provide Foundation Repair throughout Henderson, Texas & Rusk County.

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© 2024 Lone Star Foundation Repair

Best In Town Winner 2024 - Tyler Morning Telegraph